
“And John testified, ‘I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’” - John 1:32-33 (NRSV)


What is baptism?

The Small Catechism of Martin Luther says this: “Baptism is not simply plain water. Instead, it is water used according to God’s command and connected with God’s word.” The Christian practice of Holy Baptism is connected to the early Jewish practice of mikvah, a purity ritual which involved immersion in “living water,” that is flowing water from a natural source, a reminder of the Creation. Whereas Jewish people would be expected to enter the mikvah many times throughout their lives, a Christian baptism—which is performed only once in a person’s lifetime—signifies that in Christ we are dead to sin and reborn in an eternal life of faith forever.

Who may be baptized?

Anyone who feels called to faith by God is welcome to baptism! As Lutherans, we believe that baptism is an act of God. Only God may call us to faith through the Holy Spirit; we cannot claim faith by our own doing. Therefore, since faith is not a human act but a divine one, baptism is not limited to people who meet certain requirements of age, learning, or experience. Since Lutherans practice “infant baptism,” meaning that parents hear and respond to the call of God to faith on their child’s behalf, many (but not all) Lutherans are baptized as infants. We welcome people of all ages and religious background into fellowship through the sacrament of Holy Baptism at St. Martin's Lutheran Church.

Can I have a private baptism?

Baptism is preferably performed as part of a regular worship service, surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, both on Earth and in Heaven. If a private baptism is preferred, this may be arranged, but a gathering of family and friends is encouraged to serve as a community of the faithful into which the newly baptized is called.

Do I need to have godparents?

Sponsors (or godparents as they are more commonly known) are not required for baptism to take place. However, since we believe that part of baptism is being welcomed into a community of faith, it may be nice to have designated people who agree to accompany you/your child on this new life of faith. As part of being welcomed into the community of St. Martin’s, all of the congregation becomes sponsors of the newly baptized and agree to support each other in faith.

What is required for baptism?

Nothing is required, but it is customary to meet with the Pastor beforehand. The usual first step is to contact our office to set up a time to meet with the Pastor to discuss this important step in God’s plan for you. At this time we will answer any questions you might have and give you a more complete understanding of what Holy Baptism means for you/your child, as well as run through some of the logistics of the baptism day itself and complete the baptism form. Once you are ready, we will schedule a baptism.

I’m ready to answer God’s Call and wish to be baptized/have my child baptized. What should I do now?

We at St. Martin’s are thrilled to be a part of your new journey with Christ! Simply contact the church office and we will get back to you shortly!

Click here to view the Baptism Form