2025 Stewardship Pledge

Together for Joy!

Greetings, grace, and peace!

At its heart, every church is about coming together in thanksgiving and joy. God knows we’ve all been through a lot over these past few years, and at St. Martin’s, there’s never been more reason for gratitude and celebration.

In that spirit, we hope you’ll join us in giving thanks to God for all our blessings in the last year, especially for our leaders serving on Council and the Welcome, Worship, Learn & Serve ministry teams. Together we have much to be proud of, including holding our first Women’s Christmas retreat, boldly and courageously experimenting with faith formation for our youngest members in our Family Worship, Learn & Play nights, paying down most of our mortgage during a community-oriented fundraising and outreach campaign, and building beds for local children in need with a a fun and exciting God’s Work, Our Hands event! 

Such blessings inspire our thanks – and also our support. Financial contributions help keep this creativity and faithfulness alive and thriving in the year to come. Thanks to your generosity and our successful mortgage reduction campaign, we are in a better position than ever before to balance our budget and make room for more opportunities to grow and serve our neighbors. We’re confident and excited to reach this goal; if each of us steps up, St. Martin’s will step forward into our next chapter. 

On Reformation Sunday, October 27th,  we will gather up our pledges and bless them as part of our celebration of the joys (and challenges!) of being a part of a church that is always reforming. Before then, we ask that you prayerfully consider your financial contribution to the mission and ministry of St. Martin’s. When you are ready, you can make your pledge using one of the printed pledge cards located at the church, or simply fill out the form below. And as you discern your commitment level for next year, please consider praying this prayer:

Great One, for you the floods clap, for you the hills sing. You know my situation better than anyone. Take my credits and debits, ins and outs, pluses and minuses, surpluses and lacks, and show me how to use them to join the great chorus of creation. Amen.

For all that we’ve already accomplished together, and for all that we will accomplish together in the future, thank God and thank you. See you soon – and until then, let us be together for joy!

Pledge for Joy!

Pledges can be submitted either by using the form below or by filling out a paper pledge card at the church. Thank you!