It all starts at worship
All people are welcome to worship at St. Martin’s. Whether you are a life-long Lutheran, new to the Christian faith, or just a curious soul, you have a place at God’s table at our church. Learn more about our various worship offerings below. For more information contact the church office.
See you in worship!
Traditional Worship
Weekly Sunday morning worship at St. Martin’s follows the traditional pattern for worship found in the Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, a pattern of worship with roots to the earliest days of the Christian Church. The music and liturgy range from the traditional to more contemporary, Sunday morning services incorporate weekly communion, prayer, hymns, and preaching. In song, scripture, and preaching we focus our worship on God’s Incarnate Word and what it means for our lives today. We welcome worshipers of all ages. Activity bags are available as well as a separate play area where parents can watch and listen to the service in private.
Sunday mornings, 9:00 AM, church sanctuary, all are welcome at the communion table (non-alcoholic and gluten-free options are available)
Mindfulness Meditation
It all started in 2022! Every third Monday of the month at 6:30, the Cross Plains Area Mindfulness Mediation Group gathers at St. Martin’s to study the practice of meditation. For everyone from seasoned meditators or newbies, this group studies a variety of mindfulness meditation practices to help us calm our minds and connect more deeply with what is happening in and around us.
Seasonal Worship
Throughout the year, worship at St. Martin’s may include special services to mark the liturgical seasons such as midweek Lent and Advent services, as well as Christian Holy Days such as Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter. We also uplift God’s Word on some secular holidays, such as our annual joint Thanksgiving worship service with St. Francis Xavier Catholic Parish. Many of these seasonal worship services incorporate means of contemplative worship and prayer through the arts, such as finger painting in our sanctuary during Advent, weaving prayer chains together during the COVID-19 pandemic, and more.
Check our News and Events pages for up-to-date information.
Music Ministry
St. Martin’s has a vibrant and growing music ministry. In addition to regular Sunday morning congregational singing, St. Martin’s features song leaders to assist with liturgy and hymns, regular musical offerings from some of our talented members, an bell choir, and a vocal choir which performs for special occasions.
Want to get involved in music at St. Martin’s?
Contact Janet Dahl at
Life Passages
All people are welcome to hold their important events at St. Martin’s under the ministry of our Pastor. We aim to provide personal and meaningful services for all people. To learn more, visit our funerals, weddings, and baptisms pages or contact the church office.