Ways to Serve at St. Martin’s
Serving is a big part of who we are at St. Martin’s. Look below for some examples of how you can get involved!
Contact the church office for more information.
In the Church
Congregational Care
The Congregational Care team coordinates and and serves food for a variety of events. We serve the Sunday morning coffee hour, special celebrations such as Confirmation, Farewell Events, Rally Day, Consecration Sunday, Thanksgiving Ecumenical Worship, as well as occasional meals for members who come home after hospitalizations. We also assist with funeral meals held in St. Martin's Fellowship Hall.
We Care!
In the Community
Middleton Outreach Ministry (MOM)
St Martin’s joins seven other local churches in the MOM Community Service Council in an effort to end Hunger, prevent Homelessness and promote independence in the Cross Plains, Middleton and West Madison area. Our members volunteer their time and talents by serving on the MOM Board of Directors, serving in and donating to the Food Pantry, by volunteering for the Seniors Program as drivers and with chore assistance for those clients 60 or older.
In the Community
Feed Our Children
The St. Martin’s Feed Our Children program is part of the Middleton Cross Plains Area School District Weekend Food Program which works to prevent food insecurity in the district. Along with three other churches, we provide a weekly bag of food to students who enroll in the program.
In the Community
Lutherans United Assisting After Disasters (LUAD)
Lutherans United Assisting After Disasters (LUAD) is a synod-wide ministry group dedicated to providing direct, on-the-ground support following disasters in the South-Central Wisconsin area. LUAD’s volunteers work by providing labor, supplies, spiritual/emotional support and whatever else disaster survivors need to return to living their lives safely.
In the World
St. Martin’s Quilters
St. Martin's Quilters meet the second Monday of each month during the school year to Tie One On! Join us to pin and tie colorful pieces of fabric together to create one of-a-kind quilts that are donated to several local and international ministries, including Lutheran World Relief for distribution in third world countries. Locally quilts have been donated to MALC for fundraisers and to Middleton Outreach Ministry for distribution to those in need, with a few are always held in reserve for emergency requests.