All about the St. Martin’s Legacy Endowment Fund

Approximately 6 years ago, St. Martin’s Lutheran Church established a Legacy Endowment Fund. The purpose of the Fund is to enhance the ability of St Martin’s to participate in God’s mission as described in our congregation’s constitution and mission statement.

 Annual distributions from our Endowment Fund support ministry are independent from the church operating budget. The annual distributions are available to support the community, the synod, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, and special programs that support the mission of the church.

 In 2019, the Legacy Endowment Board, which oversees the fund, recommended the release of $1,155.00 which was approved by the Church Council and distributed to the ELCA World Hunger ministry and the St. Martin’s Youth Group organization.

 Each one of us has an opportunity to create an enduring legacy of our commitment to St. Martin’s Lutheran Church and its mission through not only our current gifts and pledges, but also through legacy gifts to endowment that support and deepen outreach ministries beyond our lifetime. We invite you consider a gift to the St. Martin’s Legacy Endowment Fund through your will or estate plan.

 If you would like to make a current gift or explore how you might make the Fund part of your estate plan, please contact any one of the following Endowment Committee members: Van Valaskey, Amy Wildman, Deb Goplin, Doris Fish, and Casey Peterson. Our church is also fortunate to have the resources of the ELCA Foundation through Cindy Halverson, regional gift planner. Cindy is available at no cost or obligation to assist you or answer any questions you might have. You are encouraged to contact Cynthia at or 414.544.2008.